Top 10 Travel Tips for Seniors and Elderly Citizens

Top 10 Travel Tips for Seniors and Elderly Citizens

Traveling has no age limit. Your passion for traveling and exploring new places should be irrespective of your age. In today’s time of new inventions and technology, getting older should not slow you down. Elderly and senior citizens can travel freely to experience the most exciting things in their life. The traveling bucket list should keep growing. In spite of all the technological growth around, there are a few essential hacks that senior citizens must consider before and during traveling. Here are the top ten travel tips for older adults.

1. Be Safe

Be Safe

Senior citizens are an easy target by illegal characters if they come to know that they won’t be present. To avoid it, do not advertise your vacation details publicly. Do not post your travel destination on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Thieves might keep track of your social media and plan the right time to break into your home. To deal with this risk, you can have some trustworthy people to keep a check at your place regularly by turning on lights and watering the plants. It will give the intruders an illusion that someone is at home and keep your house safe.

2. Keep Medicines Handy

Keep Medicines Handy

Your number of medications increases with age. So, keep a reminder of packing your medicines in prior. Carry it with you all the time, just like you carry your passport and cash, even while exploring nearby places. While boarding your flight, don’t keep the medicines in your check-in baggage. For your convenience, keep them handy in your carry-on luggage. In case of a possible delay of your flight, you don’t have to panic, and you will still have your medicines.

3. Make a copy of your documents

Take a print out of all the documents related to your booking of flights and hotels. Keep a backup of these documents by making a copy and mail them to your immediate family members and the people who are traveling with you. It helps your loved ones in keeping their calm and knowing your itinerary. Make copies of your visas, passport, emergency contacts, medical information, and travel insurance. In case of unforeseen situations, you will have a copy of all essential documents to help you out.

4. Keep your family updated

Keep your family updated

Your loved ones back home would like to see all the fantastic pictures of you having fun. Keep them informed of your daily activities. Although there are mobile apps for the ease of updating everyone, if you are not tech-friendly, then a message or phone call will also do. Regular updates will avoid any panic attacks and other travel disasters.

5. Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated

Most people assume that if they are not feeling thirsty or not moving, then they don’t have to drink water. But flying at high altitudes dehydrates your body extremely. Sadly, this is how most older people get severe health issues. To avoid it, carry a bottle to the airport, and after security check-in, you can fill it up. Throughout your flight, keep taking small sips of water.

6. Pack Healthy Snacks

No matter what age-group you are, you should not keep long gaps between two meals. This rule becomes a bit more strict when it comes to senior citizens. Senior citizens can get tired quickly and very soon. They need a constant source of energy through solid or liquid food. So, do not starve yourself and carry healthy snacks with you. You can take energy bars, sliced fruits, and nuts. It is better to bring snacks from home rather than depending on the airline.

7. Take Help for Your Luggage

Long flights are very tiring for your body. Your joints might get stiff, and at that point carrying your luggage is challenging. Pushing yourself to take luggage can get you an injury, especially while picking up bags from a fast-moving carousel. To avoid this, you can take help from a nearby passenger and thank them thereafter. You can also hire a porter to take the luggage and load them into the taxi or inside the hotel room. If you are traveling in groups, then hire a cab with a roof rack cage, as all extra luggage can go up. It will give you plenty of leg space.

8. Book Wheelchair Assistance at Airport

Some seniors might have mobility problems and will have difficulty in walking. In these scenarios, you can book wheelchair assistance with your airline or even ask for a wheelchair at the airport. Your wheelchair assistant will safely pick you from the airport entrance, will make you seated, and safely deboard you as well.

9. Stretch Often

Deep vein thrombosis is a significant concern and a severe risk for elderly citizen travelers. It can lead to death when you do not move or stretch enough during long flights. Instead of sitting cramped at one positing in an airplane, you should stretch, stand, and move around when you can. You can easily rotate your wrist, toes, and stretch your back, even with your seatbelts on. 

10. Travel Light

Travel light as far as possible. The less you carry, the less effort you would require to carry your luggage around. You also have the ease of packing and unpacking your stuff. It also lessens your chances of losing any of your valuable items. You should also make a list of things that you are taking along. This way, you can crosscheck your items while traveling back.


The above are the top ten travel tips for every senior citizen out there. Whether you are traveling alone or with any family member, these tips will keep you safe. Also, try to take things slow. You don’t have to visit every place on day one of arrival. Lie down, relax, and enjoy the moments as they come.



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