How does Preschool Help in Child Development?


How strong a child will emerge as a personality in the future depends mainly on the childhood days spent. If adults take care of children’s physical and mental growth needs, such children can handle life’s challenges firmly. They can easily socialize, interact with people meaningfully, and become achievers in their fields.

Preschoolers should be learning how to make choices to come up with ways to become socially acceptable. While children tend to believe that they should get what they see, adults help them subtly get the point that there are other choices to make. Well-trained teachers at play schools engage children and interact with them to develop their language and many other skills.

Several scientific studies have concluded that preschool helps in a child’s development. The dropout rate of high school students was much lower than those who went to playschools. They also had minimum behavioural issues. So, preschool helps.

Here is what a structured preschool does for child development: 

Initiates them into learning  

Because of the structure of preschool, children are exposed to things in a fun way. They are encouraged to observe and learn about something without being forced into it. That is the best way to switch their brain into learning mode.

On the contrary, a formal and academic environment in the early days of life might create bad memories. That might develop a child into a person not interested in gaining knowledge.

Teaches them to handle emotions 

A preschool for kids is a place where many kids interact with each other daily. They display all kinds of emotions, showing their innocent anger and frustration. But such conflicts are an opportunity for the teachers to guide children in handling those emotions tactfully.

They start learning what they should do next when these emotions overpower them. Children subconsciously have those emotion-handling solutions in mind, which comes in handy when they face similar challenges in their future life. Playschool teachers make children notice their lousy behaviour.

Builds pre-literacy skills 

A playschool engages a child with various activities and games that build pre-literacy skills, which are the foundation for gradual higher learning. Children learn songs with rhymes at school, read and listen to stories, and play with toy letters.

All such activities prepare them for the following classes where they can learn to read and write correctly. They build a relationship with reading material.

Lays a foundation for language and math skills 

All humans have language and math skills. Preschools help children build language skills through conversation with teachers. They are introduced to new words and associations with the things they see around them. Fun-laden questions, act-out stories, and singing encourage children to think and communicate well.

Teachers encourage children to match, sort out, and count at the preschool level. This is a subtle way to initiate them for math lessons when they are ready for primary school.  

Helps grow attention capability 

Children are known for wavering attention as they get diverted toward new shiny things. However, a preschool teaches them to focus on what they see and hear. The teaching methods and structure of the toddlers’ preschool are such that a child starts focusing on an existing activity for a few more minutes.

With the foundation for attention well laid at this level, such a child can face a challenging classroom environment in the higher classes.  

Makes children creative and curious

Children are naturally creative and curious about things around them as they imagine a lot. A good preschool can nurture their power to imagine and turn it into a tool to create. The entire environment of the school fires up a child’s creative instincts.  

The teachers also let children play with different raw materials to let them shape up something that is in their minds. There is always some adult interaction, which makes a child more curious and creative.  

Develops social skills 

Since a typical preschool arranges various activities for children, it leads to building social skills in them. They indirectly learn how to cooperate to complete an activity successfully. That indicates to them the importance of coming together using the resources to do a task.

They also are asked to help out each other. For instance, they may be asked to set the table during snack time.   

Builds cognitive and motor skills 

A well-equipped preschool such as Makoons is also a centre where children start building cognitive skills such as reading, thinking, learning, reasoning, remembering, and focusing. They solve problems, ask questions, and observe the things around them.

Different activities conducted by the school also help develop motor skills as they take control of their little fingers when they draw, cut papers with scissors, and do threading with beads.


Preschools play a crucial role in the development of children by nurturing some basic skills that help them in later life. They learn skills to work together as a team and take control of their emotions through subtle teaching methods. The school initiates a child into learning some cognitive skills like reading and writing, and motor skills for steady physical and mental coordination.



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